Getting started with the new icoscp_stilt
The library is published to PyPI.
As stated in Background and history,
the legacy functionality is
still available, but for new code the developers are encouraged to consider
the new module icoscp_stilt.stilt
as the first choice.
The following code demonstrates the new functionality.
from icoscp_stilt import stilt
from icoscp_stilt.const import CP_OBSPACK_CO2_SPEC
# list of stilt.StiltStation dataclass instances
stations = stilt.list_stations()
station_info_lookup = { s for s in stations}
# example: Hyltemossa station, altitude 150 m
htm_info = station_info_lookup['HTM150']
Here is the output of the above code.
id='HTM150', name='Hyltemossa', lat=56.1, lon=13.42, alt=150,
years=[2006, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022],
icosId='HTM', icosHeight=150.0
# years for which the station has calculation results
htm_years = htm_info.years
# grouped STILT time series results, all columns, as pandas DataFrame
# can be slow when fetching first time after calculation
htm_time_series_result = stilt.fetch_result_ts('HTM150', '2022-01-01', '2022-01-31')
# list of time-series columns (~60)
ts_columns = htm_time_series_result.columns
# fetch selected columns only
htm_ts_ch4_basics = stilt.fetch_result_ts('HTM150', '2022-01-01', '2022-01-31', columns=['isodate', 'ch4.stilt', 'metadata'])
# find months for which calculation was run
stilt.available_months('KRE250', 2022)
# find all months for all years for which calculation was run
htm_yearmonths = stilt.available_year_months(htm_info)
# list footprint time slots that were computed for a station within date interval
htm_slots_jan2022 = stilt.list_footprints('HTM150', '2022-01-01', '2022-01-31')
# load footprint for one time slot
htm_fp_example = stilt.load_footprint('HTM150', htm_slots_jan2022[0])
# filter stations
de_stations = [s for s in stations if s.countryCode == 'DE']
# fetch observations for the German stations as numpy array dicts
# interesting columns are requested explicitly (all returned otherwise)
# using bare numpy gives maximum performance
de_co2_numpy = stilt.fetch_observations(CP_OBSPACK_CO2_SPEC, de_stations, ['value', 'time'])
# same as previous example, but returning pandas DataFrames instead
# performance may be worse, especially on Jupyter
de_co2_pandas = stilt.fetch_observations_pandas(CP_OBSPACK_CO2_SPEC, de_stations, ['value', 'time'])
Getting help
All the methods in the new stilt
module have a Python documentation
accessible by standard means, for example: