

  • cpauth module

    • Remove legacy authentication.
    • Authenticate via icoscp_core.
  • stilt module

    • The module is moved out to a new library icoscp_stilt.
  • countries module

    • The module has been removed, as its only usage was from the stilt module.
    • Within the new icoscp_stilt library, the geo information handling has been radically simplified, making the countries module redundant.
  • dependencies

    • Dependencies fiona and geopandas are gone due to stilt module removal.
  • documentation


  • country module

    • Make the reverse geocoding functionality available only to users with access to the ICOS Jupyter Hub.
    • Replace the nominatim reverse geocoder with on-server access to shapefiles.
  • cpauth module

    • Enforce secure data access via mandatory authentication.
  • sparql module

    • Accept cached SPARQL responses by default.
  • stilt module

    • Obtain country information more accurately.


  • stilt module

    • Filter out .zip data files from stiltweb data structure.
  • documentation

    • Apply Tyler's changes in the file
  • project-structure

    • Introduce a streamlined development workflow for the library, using pytest, ruff, and hatch.


  • cpauth module

    Implement authentication for secure data access. The full documentation of the authentication module can be found here.
  • cpb module

    • Rework code in Dobj() class to correctly add series to pandas DataFrame and avoid pandas performance warning.
    • Verify timestamp format of binary files and convert accordingly to avoid error in data accessing.
  • stilt module

    • Remove mutable default arguments from functions in the stilt module.
    • Update availability table, such that only 'real' ICOS stations get an ICOS id.
    • Add ICOS sampling height to the ICOS dictionary.
    • Add corresponding data files to the ICOS dictionary.
    • Increase performance when reading STILT footprints.
    • Replace eval() statement to prevent security risks.
    • Make function station.get() case-insensitive.
  • station module

    • Remove elevation above ground attribute from Station() class.
    • Update documentation on how to correctly retrieve station names when iterating over pandas DataFrames' rows.


  • station module

    The station class has been somewhat optimized:
    • station.getList() is faster
    • station.getIdList() has a new parameter theme (as in getList)
  • sparql module

    In the background the station class use sparql queries, and has been endowed with station query function:
    • sparqls.station_query(), the function has a filter parameter with which the experienced user for example can use to fetch stations in a list of countries.
  • stilt module

    • Update xarray call in
  • other changes


  • sparql

    • Remove methods with unused queries cpbGetInfo(dobj) and cpbGetSchemaDetail(formatSpec).
    • Speed up queries in functions objectSpec(spec='atcCo2L2DataObject', station='', limit=0), getStations(station = ''), get_coords_icos_stations_atc(), and get_icos_stations_atc_L1().
    • Update query in getStations(station = '') to correctly retrieve stations.
    • Add deprecation warning for stations_with_pi() query.
  • station module

    • Filter out non icos stations when querying themed stations in getList().
  • stilt module

    • Regenerate STILT module's static file stations.json.


  • cpb module

    • Dobj change to read metadata from http request. Instead of using sparql queries, a http request is used to load the same meta data as available from the website.
    • Add new script to extract metadata from server
    • Add new property .meta returns a dictionary based on the meta data available from the landing page of a data object containing a very rich set of information. An example:
    • Add new property: .previous Return the pid/url of the previous version of this file if available.
    • Add new property: .next -> Return the pid/url of the next version of this file if available.
    • Add new property: .variables Return a PandasDataFrame with metadata for all variables ['name', 'unit', 'type', 'format'].
    • Add new property: .alt Returns altitude of station, the same as .elevation.
    • Remove properties: ._info1, ._info2, ._info3 from Dobj.
    • Change .info (consisted of info 1,2,3,) and return .meta instead.
    • Change .station: Returns a dictionary with a subset of .meta describing the station.
    • Change of .colNames: returns now a list of strings with all variable names instead of a pandas core series.
    • License is extracted dynamically from the metadata per object.
    • Add new method get_citation(format='plain'). Returns the citation by default as plain string, the same as .citation (property) which internally calls this method. Argument options are ('bibtex', 'ris', 'plain') -> .citation('bibtex'|'ris'|'plain').
    • print(Dobj) output of __str__ changed to plain citation string, instead of pid.
    • References to server calls moved to
    • Rename file to for better readability.
    • add simple unit test and implement initial assertions for the cpb module.
  • access to data

    • .data [property] will always return all columns.
    • .get(columns=None) [method] returns all data by default. Provides the possibility to extract specific columns from the data set. Expected is a list of column names, which then returns only the selected columns. Non valid entries are removed from the list (if only non valid entries are provided, an empty list by default returns all columns). Please be aware, that .get() will ALWAYS return ALL columns if executed on the Carbon Portal server. Valid entries can be obtained with .colNames or `.variables['name'].
    • .getColumns(columns=None), this is exactly the same as .get(columns='None'). We keep this function for compatibility to previous versions.
  • other changes

    • add icon argument to station.getIdList() function.
    • regenerate STILT module's static stations.json.
    • resolve deprecation warnings from numpy calls.
    • implement stiltstation.find() by project.
    • add outfmt='avail' argument to stiltstation.find() function to generate an availability table for STILT stations.
    • fix stiltstation.find(outfmt='list').
    • fix print(stiltobj) by removing country information. Country information can still be retrieved using the .info attribute of the StilStation object.


  • update get_ts() to case-insensitive and include and in the co2 results
  • correctly redirect nominatim requests when icos nominatim is unable to reverse geocode.


  • rework directory listing of STILT stations and ignore queued but empty stations


  • fix stiltstation.find() to return all STILT stations
  • switch to ICOS reverse geocoder as default
  • precompute all known stations to speed up search functions
  • if possible, use ICOS station's latitude/longitude when reverse geocoding a STILT station for precision


  • rework process of requesting stilt stations
  • add a progress bar when requesting stilt stations
  • update user information when using the stilt module
  • add stilt data reporting to the back-end


  • adjust pylib version reported to the back-end
  • include non-code files to distribution
  • inform users when wrongly accessing the Stilt module locally


  • add Stilt module and documentation
  • add local country information
  • add folium map extension to getIdList() function


  • change licence on to
  • adjust portal use internal flag


  • add licence attribute to Dobj()
  • handle single str input to station.getList()
  • stats report distinguish between intern/external usage
  • remove _checkdata flag from
  • update documentation


  • 2021/03/29
  • add sparql queries for availability table
  • typos and additions to documentation
  • move changelog to separate file


  • 2020/10/20
  • fix bug introduced with v 0.1.4
  • datasets with optional columns where not loaded if data object specifications mismatched the list of columns


-2020/10/16 - add support for regex columns


  • 2020/10/01
  • Add module 'collection' to support loading data products. See Modules / collection
  • Change behaviour of Dobj to keep data persistent. The pandas data frame is now persistent stored as pandas dataframe in the object. Older versions did query the server every time for the data. A new attribute is available: which returns the pandas dataframe. This change in behaviour is controlled with Dobj._datapersistent = True (default), and can be reverted by setting it to False.
  • A new attribute is available (which is equivalent to Dobj.dobj) but is more human understandable. retrieves or sets the PID/URI.


  • 2020/07/15
  • first public version to