
The following modules are available in the library to find and access data hosted at the Carbon Portal. After a successful installation into your python environment you should be able to load the modules with:

  • from icoscp.cpb.dobj import Dobj
  • from icoscp.station import station
  • from icoscp.collection import collection
  • from icoscp.stilt import stiltstation
  • from icoscp.sparql.runsparql import RunSparql
  • from icoscp.sparql import sparqls


This is the basic module to load a digital object (data set) into memory. You need to know a valid persistent identifier (PID/URL) to access the data. Either you can browse the data portal to find PID's or you can use the 'station' package to find PID's programmatically (see section station). In essence each data object is linked to a unique and persistent identifier in the form of a URL. Hence, each data object has an on-line landing page. If you select any data object on and then navigate to the PID link (which looks like 11676/j7-Lxlln8_ysi4DEV8qine_v ) you end up on the 'landing' page of the document. If you look at the address bar of your browser, you will see a URL similar to To access the data you need to know this URL or the last part of the URL (j7-Lxlln8_ysi4DEV8qine_v).

Load the module with:

from icoscp.cpb.dobj import Dobj

classmethod Dobj(digitalObject='')
You can initialise a Dobj with a PID. The following statements yield the same result.

myDobj = Dobj('')
myDobj = Dobj('11676/j7-Lxlln8_ysi4DEV8qine_v')
myDobj = Dobj('j7-Lxlln8_ysi4DEV8qine_v')

or create an 'empty' instance and the set the identifier later:

myDobj = Dobj()
myDobj.dobj = "j7-Lxlln8_ysi4DEV8qine_v"


Please refer to the property .meta. The property .info returns now the same as .meta which was introduced with version 0.1.15.

For provenance reasons only the following documentation is kept, but is only valid for installations 0.1.10 to 0.1.14:

All Dobj related metadata is available in the following properties.
This will return a list of three Pandas DataFrames which contain metadata.

info[0] -> information about the dobj like, url, specification,
        number of rows, related file name.
info[1] -> information about the data like colName,
        value type, unit, kind
info[2] -> information about the station, where the data was obtained.
        Name, id, lat, lon etc..

- Return LIST[Pandas DataFrame]


This property was introduced with version 0.1.15 and is replacing .info.
.meta returns a dictionary based on the meta data available from the landing page of the ICOS Caronb Portal website. Every data object has a rich set of meta data available. You can download an example from data portal: This will then be parsed into a python dictionary representing the metadata from ICOS. Some of the important key properties, like 'previous', 'next', 'citation', etc., are extracted for easy access and made available as properties. Please check this documentation.


Citation string, a simple plain text citation string.

  • Return STR


Returns the citation string in different formats. By default a plain formatted string is returned, the same as with with the property Dobj.citation. Possible formats are:

Example: Dobj.get_citation('ris')


Licence associated with the dataset.

  • Return DICT

    dict_keys(['baseLicence', 'name', 'url', 'webpage'])


If an older version of this data object is available, this returns the pid for this object.

  • Return STR

If a newer version of the data object is available, this returns the pid for this object.

  • Return STR


Available column names. This information is part of the Dobj.meta, which holds all the available metadata.

  • Return LIST


This provides access to all available variables, including the unit, a short description (type) and the 'landing page' for the format used (int, float, chr, ...). The following example shows the variables for a data object of an atmospheric methane concentration:

index name unit type format
0 TIMESTAMP None time instant, UTC
1 Flag None quality flag
2 NbPoints None number of points
3 ch4 nmol mol-1 CH4 mixing ratio (dry mole fraction)
4 Stdev nmol mol-1 standard deviation of gas mole fraction
  • Return Pandas DataFrame

Retrieve the actual data for the PID. All available variables will be returned.

  • Return Pandas DataFrame


Retrieve the actual data for the PID. The same as .data but you have the option to retrieve only selected columns (or variables). Only valid and unique entries will be returned. You can see valid entries with .variables['name'] or .colNames. If columns are not provided, or if none of the provided variables are valid, or if you work with local data, the default DataFrame (with all columns) will be returned, which is the same as .data.

  • Parameter variables: LIST[STR]
  • Return Pandas DataFrame


This is exactly the same as .get(). See details above. We keep this for backward compatibility, please do not use. This function will be deprecated over time.

Examples to retrieve data:

# Create a dobj:

do = Dobj('')

# Access all data, or specific columns:

data =                                  # all data is returned<br>
data = do.get(['timestamp','ch4'])              # only timestamp and ch4 is returned<br>
data = do.get(['timestamp','ch4','notValid'])   # only timestamp and ch4 is returned<br>
data = do.get()                                 # all data is returned<br>

Dobj.dateTimeConvert = True

Set or retrieve. Default True. The binary data representation provides a UTC Timestamp as Unixtimestamp with start point of 1970-01-01 00:00:00. By default, this is converted to a DateTimeObject (pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp). If you prefer to have the raw Unixtimestamp (numpy.float64), set Dobj.dateTimeConvert = False prior to load the data with .get() or .data or .getColumns().

  • Return BOOL

Dobj.dobj = PID

See = PID

Set or retrieve the PID for the Dobj, default is empty (""). If a PID is set, an automatic check is performed to find the metadata for the object. If this is successful, the 'valid' property is set to True

  • Return STR


True if PID is set and found at the ICOS Carbon Portal

  • Return BOOL

Latitude for station

  • Return FLOAT


Longitude for station

  • Return FLOAT


Elevation above sea level for station. Be aware, this is NOT the sampling height for the data points.

  • Return FLOAT


This is exactly the same as .elevation


This returns information about the station, where the data was collected/measured, to provide information about the provenance of the data. Further information about sammplingHeight, instruments, documentation, etc. can be found in dobj.meta['specificInfo']['acquisition']. Please be aware that prior to version 0.1.15 this has returned a string with station id, which is now available as station['id']. An example code snippet on how to extract all 'keys' from a nested dictionary is available in the FAQ

  • Return DICT


The real size of the dobj in [bytes, KB, MB, TB]. Since this object may contain the data, it is no longer just a pointer to data.

  • Return TUPLE (int32, STR), where int32 represents the size and STR the unit. Example output looks like: (4.353, 'MB')


The station module provides a search facility to explore ICOS stations and find associated data objects and data products. There is a lot of information available about the ICOS stations, partner countries, measured variables and much more in the ICOS Handbook. load the module with:

from icoscp.station import station

classmethod station.Station()
The station object is primarily a data structure to store the associated metadata. The metadata is provided with specific and complex Sparql queries. It is possible to instantiate this class on its own, but we recommend using the convenience functions station.getIdList() station.get('StationID') station.getList() as described further below to create the station object. Once you have a created valid station object a list of attributes are available:


Country code

  • Return STR

All associated data object for the station are returned. ICOS distinguishes data in terms of how processed they are.

- Data level 1: Near Real Time Data (NRT) or Internal Work data (IW).
- Data level 2: The final quality checked ICOS RI data set, published by the CFs, 
                to be distributed through the Carbon Portal. 
                This level is the ICOS-data product and free available for users.
- Data level 3: All kinds of elaborated products by scientific communities
                that rely on ICOS data products are called Level 3 data.
  • Return Pandas DataFrame


Elevation above sea level in meter.

  • Return FLOAT


Classification for certified ICOS stations. Please consult the ICOS Handbook for further information about the Class 1&2 certificate.

  • Return STR


PI (Principal Investigator) First Name.

  • Return STR


PI (Principal Investigator) last name

  • Return STR

PI (Principal Investigator) email address

  • Return STR

Latitude for the station.

  • Return FLOAT


Longitude for the station.

  • Return FLOAT

Returns the full name for the station.

  • Return STR


ICOS Carbon Portal is a data portal from and for the ICOS community. However, the data portal does host more than ICOS data. The station association is listed here (if available)

  • Return LIST


Set or retrieve the StationId

  • Return STR


For ICOS stations a 'theme' is provided. Please note that, a station may belong to more than one theme, but with different themes. For example the stationId "NOR" (Norunda, Sweden), will give you access to the atmospheric data products, whereas the stationId "SE-Nor" will return the Ecosystem data products.

AS for Atmospheric Stations
ES for Ecosystem Stations
OS for Ocean Stations
  • Return STR


Link to the landing page for the station. Because a station ID may be associated with more than one 'project' this returns a list of URI's

  • Return LIST


True if stationId is found.

  • Return BOOL

Convenience functions

The following three functions are recommended to get information about the available stations at the Carbon Portal and how to get a valid station object (or list of):


The station.getIdList takes several parameters:

project: str = 'ICOS' 
theme: list = None 
sort: str = 'name'
outfmt: str = 'pandas'

The default call station.getIdList(), which is the same as

station.getIdList(project='ICOS', sort='name')

returns a Pandas DataFrame with columns:

['uri', 'id', 'name', 'icosClass', 'country', 'lat', 'lon', 'elevation', 'stationTheme', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'email', 'siteType', 'project', 'theme']

By default, ICOS certified stations are returned. If project is set to 'all', all known stations (to the Carbon Portal) are returned. By default, the DataFrame is sorted by the column name. You can provide any column name as sorting parameter. The 'id' of the record, can be used to instantiate a station. Hence, it is easy to adjust and filter these records and use the column 'id' as input for station.get().

The theme parameter can be set to either 'AS', 'ES' or 'OS', or a list with a combination of these strings. Here 'AS', 'ES and 'OS' are short for atmospheric, ecosystem and ocean stations.



will return a DataFrame with all atmospheric ICOS stations.

If the optional argument outfmt='map' is provided

station.getIdList(project='ALL', outfmt='map', icon=None)

a folium map is created with, in this case, all stations (since we use project='ALL'). Stations without a fixed location (like measurements collected from instrumented Ships of Opportunity) will not be included in the map. Each marker in the map represents a station and contains station related information. A user can further customize the style of the map by providing the icon argument [None, 'flag', 'path/to/image.png'].

  • Return Folium Map



Provide a valid station id (see getIdList()) to create a Station object. NOTE: stationId is CaseSensitive.

  • Return Station Object


 station.getList(theme=['AS','ES','OS'], ids=None)

This is the easiest way to get a list of ICOS stations. By default, a full list of all certified ICOS stations is returned. You can filter the output by provided a list of themes OR you can provide a list of station id's. NOTE: If you provide a list of id's, the theme filter is ignored.

station.getList(['as', 'os'])

list with ICOS atmospheric and ocean stations

station.getList(ids=['NOR', 'HTM', 'HUN'])

list with stations NOR (Norunda), HTM (Hyltemossa), HUN (Hegyhatsal)

  • Return LIST[Station Objects]


This module supports to load a collection of digital objects. Data products ( or collections are an assembly for a specific theme, or project. For example the ICOS community assembled data to provide a base for the Drought anomaly in 2018. This dataset was then used to study the impact of this extreme event, which ultimately led to a series of publications available as 'theme issue' in The Royal Society. Subsequently, the data sets are now public available at the ICOS Carbon Portal (Drought-2018 ecosystem eddy covariance flux product for 52 stations and Drought-2018 atmospheric CO2 Mole Fraction product for 48 stations (96 sample heights).

Load the module with:
from icoscp.collection import collection

classmethod Collection(coll)
(where coll represents a pandas.DataFrame, similar to the output from .getIdList()). BUT only similar. We do NOT Recommend to instantiate this class directly. Please use the function .get(CollectionId). The Purpose of the class documentation is to provide you a list of attributes available, after the .get(CollectionId) return a collection object.


This is the ICOS URI (PID). A link to the landing page on the ICOS data portal.

  • Return STR


If available, the official DOI in form of '10.18160/ry7n-3r04'.

  • Return STR


For convenience the citation string provided from [] is stored in this attribute. If you like to have a different format, please have a look at .getCitation description below.

  • Return STR


  • Return STR


  • Return STR

For convenience all the attributes above (id, doi, citation, title, description). You can choose the output format with fmt=["dict" | "pandas" | "html"]. The default is "dict".

info(self, fmt='dict')
  • Return FMT, default DICT

This returns a list of PID/URI of digital objects associated with the collection.

  • Return LIST[STR]

This returns a list of Dobj associated to the collection. Please refer to the module Digital Object above.

  • Return LIST[Dobj]


Collection.getCitation(format='apa', lang='en-GB')**

If the collection has a DOI, you will get a citation string from You may provide any style & language parameters found on the website. Our default style is apa and language en-GB, which is stored in the attribute collection.citation. Use the function getCitation(), if you need a specific format & language adaption. Example to get a Bibtex styled citation: .getCitation('bibtex','de-CH')

Convenience functions

The following functions are recommended to get information about the available collections as well as creating an instance of a collection.



This will return a pandas.DataFrame, listing all available collections at the data portal. The DataFrame contains the following columns: ['collection', 'doi', 'title', 'description', 'dobj', 'count']. We would recommend that you pay close attention to the count. We have collections with many data objects associated. If you just want to play around, select a collection with less than 10 objects.

  • collection contains the PID/URI for the collection. This is the ID you need to provide for the .get(CollectionId) function. Please be aware that you need to provide the full URI.
    Example: .get('')
  • dobj contains a list (LIST[STR]) of all PID/URI associated data objects.
  • count tells you how many data objects are associated with this collection.

  • Returns a pandas DataFrame



Create a collection object. See the class method above for the attributes available in the collection object. The CollectionId must be either the full ICOS URI of the collection landing page or the DOI (if one is available). Not all collections have a DOI. Both information can be extracted with the function .getIdList() .The following to lines to create 'myCollection' yield the same result:

myCollection = get('')
myCollection = get('10.18160/ry7n-3r04')
  • Returns Collection


At the ICOS Carbon Portal we offer a service to calculate your own STILT footprints and visualize the results. Find out more on our website The calculated footprints and time series results are also available through this python library. Please be aware, that the calculated footprints are only available on our servers, including our virtual computational environments. Please read about our public available Jupyter Hub here. Time series can be accessed from outside our servers as well.

load the module with:

from icoscp.stilt import stiltstation

Two functions are available: one to find STILT stations and one to extract the STILT station as an object, which gives access to the data (time series and footprints).



This is the main function to find STILT stations. By default, it returns a dictionary where each station id is the key to access metadata about the station. The order how you provide keywords is respected and you can influence the result. Keyword arguments are applied sequentially (the result from the first keyword is provided as input to the second and so on). With no keyword provided stiltstation.find() returns a dictionary with ALL Stilt stations.

The following keywords are available:

id='STR' | ['STR','STR',...]

Provide a single id as string, or a list of strings.
You can provide either STILT or ICOS id's mixed together.

stiltstation.find(id=['NOR', 'GAT344'])

Arbitrary string search will find any occurrence of STR in the station metadata.


all actions are performed on this dictionary, rather than dynamically search for all stilt station on our server. Can be useful for creating a subset of stations from an existing search.

myStations = stiltstation.find(search='north')
refined = stiltstation.find(stations=myStations, country='Finland')

Spatial keywords

country='STR' | ['STR','STR',...]

Provide a single country id as string, or a list of strings. You can provide alpha-2, alpha-3 code (ISO 3166) or the full country name (some translations are available as well). To find all STILT stations with geolocation in Norway you can search for either NO, NOR, Norway, Norge.

stiltstation.find(country=['Swe','norge', 'IT'])

This option will retrieve all STILT stations that are ICOS stations.


Bounding Box. Provide two tuples (wgs84), where the box is defined as TopLeftCorner (NorthWest) and BottomRightCorner (SouthEast). The following example returns approximately all stations in Scandinavia.


Provide a single point (lat, lon) and the Distance in KM, which creates a bounding box. Distance is very roughly translated with 1 degree = 1 km. The bounding box is calculated as distance in all directions. For example distance=200 will create a bounding box of 400 x 400 km with pinpoint in the centre. If you don't provide a distance, a default value of 200 is used.

stiltstation.find(pinpoint=[55.7,13.1,500])     # bounding box ~ 1000km x 1000km
stiltstation.find(pinpoint=[55.7,13.1])         # bounding box ~ 400km x 400km

Temporal keywords

Be aware, that the granularity for all temporal keywords is year and month, days are not considered in the search. Input format for the dates entry MUST be convertible to data time object through pandas.to_datetime(). Accepted formats are:

  • objs
  • FLOAT or INT representing a unix timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01)
  • pandas.datetime

sdate='start date'

Stations are returned where results are available for >= start date. 'sdate' is a single entry. If you provide sdate AND edate, any station with available data within that date range is returned. (accepted formats see above)

stiltstation.find(sdate= '2018-05-01')

edate='end date'

Stations are returned where results are available for <= end date. 'edate' is a single entry. If you provide sdate AND edate, any station with available data within that date range is returned. (accepted formats see above)



This will return a list of stations where data is available for any of the provided dates. Input format, see sdate,edate. Remember, that only year and month is checked.

stiltstation.find(dates=['2020-01-01', '2020/05/23'])

progress = BOOL

By default a progress bar is displayed while searching all possible STILT stations. With this keyword you can show/hide the progress bar.

stiltstation.find(progress=True)   # DEFAULT, progress bar is displayed
stiltstation.find(progress=False)  # No progress bar

outfmt = 'STR'

where string is dict | pandas | list | map | avail. This keyword is ALWAYS executed last, regardless of the position within keyword arguments. By default, a dictionary is returned. With pandas a pandas DataFrame is returned where the station id is indexed, each row contains one station with the same metadata as is available in the dictionary List however returns a list of STILT station objects. Please see the documentation about
stiltstation.get(id=""). The choice map, returns a folium map The map can be displayed directly in a Jupyter Notebook, or you can save the map to a html file.

stiltstation.find(country='Italy', outfmt='pandas') 
stiltstation.find(country='Italy', outfmt='pandas').save('mymap.html')

Finally, the choice avail will return a pandas DataFrame where availability of timeseries data per STILT station is gathered for each year.

.get(id='', progress=False)

Returns a stilt station object or a list of stilt station objects. A stilt station object, gives access to the underlying data (timeseries and footprints). You may provide a STR or LIST[STR] of STILT id's or the 'result' of a .find() query. The properties of the returned stilt object is listed further below.

id = STR | LIST[STR]

Provide a string or list of strings representing a STILT station id's.


provide a single dictionary, or a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries should be the result of a stiltstation.find() execution.

progress = BOOL

By default no progress bar is displayed while assembling the stiltstation object. With this keyword you can show/hide the progress bar. This parameter is only effective while providing id's.

# return stilt stations based on stiltstation.find(id='STR')
stiltstation.get(['KIT','HTM150'], progress = True)

# return stilt stations based on dictionary or list of dict with a progressbar
a = stiltstation.find(search='north')

STILT Object

classmethod StiltStation(dict)
Please do not use this class directly. You should load from icoscp.stilt import stiltstation and then use the function obj = stiltstation.get('HTM150) which will return a stilt station object. Once you have the object, the following attributes and methods are available:



Return STILT station ID (e.g. 'HTM150') as string.


String with latitude-longitude-altitude of STILT station (e.g. '35.34Nx025.67Ex00150')


Station altitude (in meters above ground level)


Station latitude


Station longitude


STILT station long name


None | Dict. If the station is an ICOS station, a dictionary with ICOS metadata is available.


List of years for which STILT results are available. Be aware that even if only one day is calculated for a year, year will be listed.


Returns a dictionary with all metadata.


Dictionary with geographical (country) information, if the station is within a country border.


.get_ts(start_date, end_date, hours=None, columns=''):

STILT concentration time series for a given time period, with optional selection of specific hours and columns. Returns time series as a pandas.DataFrame.

  • start_date : STR, FLOAT/INT (Unix timestamp), datetime object
    • start_date = '2018-01-01'
  • end_date : STR, FLOAT/INT (Unix timestamp), datetime object
    • end_date = '2018-01-31'
  • hours : STR | INT, optional. If hours is empty or None, ALL Timeslots are returned. For backwards compatibility, input of str format hh:mm is accepted

    • hours = [0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21]
      Valid results are returned with LOWER BOUND values.
      Example:    hours = ["02:00",3,4] will return Timeslots for 0, 3
                  hours = [2,3,4,5,6] will return Timeslots for 0,3 and 6
                  hours = [] return ALL
                  hours = ["10", "10:00", 10] returns timeslot 9
  • columns : STR, optional

    • Valid entries are "default", "co2", "co", "rn", "wind", "latlon", "all"
          isodate, co2.stilt,, co2.fuel, co2.cement, co2.background
          isodate, co2.stilt,, co2.fuel, co2.cement,
,, co2.fuel.coal, co2.fuel.oil, co2.fuel.gas,
, co2.fuel.waste,, co2.transport, co2.industry,
          co2.residential, co2.other_categories, co2.background
          isodate, co.stilt, co.fuel, co.cement, 
          co.fuel.coal, co.fuel.oil, co.fuel.gas, 
, co.fuel.waste,
          co.transport, co.industry, co.residential, 
          co.other_categories, co.background
          isodate, rn, rn.era, rn.noah
          isodate, wind.dir, wind.u, wind.v
          isodate, latstart, lonstart
          isodate, co2.stilt,, co2.fuel, co2.cement, 
          co2.fuel.coal, co2.fuel.oil, co2.fuel.gas, 
, co2.fuel.waste, 
, co2.transport, co2.industry,
          co2.residential, co2.other_categories,
          co.stilt, co.fuel, co.cement,
          co.fuel.coal, co.fuel.oil, co.fuel.gas,
, co.fuel.waste, 
, co.transport, co.industry,
          co.residential, co.other_categories,
          rn, rn.era, rn.noah, wind.dir,
          wind.u, wind.v, latstart, lonstart

.get_fp(start_date, end_date, hours=None):

STILT footprints for a given time period, with optional selection of specific hours. Returns the footprints as xarray with latitude, longitude, time, and ppm per (micromole m-2 s-1).

  • start_date : STR, FLOAT/INT (Unix timestamp), datetime object.
    • start_date = '2018-01-01'
  • end_date : STR, FLOAT/INT (Unix timestamp), datetime object.
    • end_date = '2018-01-31'
  • hours : STR | INT, optional. If hours is empty or None, ALL Timeslots are returned. For backwards compatibility, input of str format hh:mm is accepted
    • hours = [0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21]
      Valid results are returned with LOWER BOUND values.
      Example:    hours = ["02:00",3,4] will return Timeslots for 0, 3
                  hours = [2,3,4,5,6] will return Timeslots for 0,3 and 6
                  hours = [] return ALL
                  hours = ["10", "10:00", 10] returns timeslot 9


If the stiltstation has a corresponding ICOS station, this function will return a dictionary filled with corresponding data objects. A sparql query is executed with ICOS Station id and the sampling height as constraint, returning all data objects (Level 1, 2, 3).

Returns: List of DICT Each dictionary with the following keys: [dobj,hasNextVersion,spec,fileName,size,submTime,timeStart,timeEnd]

Example output:

        'dobj': '',
        'hasNextVersion': 'false',
        'spec': '',
        'fileName': '',
        'size': '110076',
        'submTime': '2023-02-28T11:16:27.804Z',
        'timeStart': '2022-03-01T00:00:00Z',
        'timeEnd': '2023-02-27T23:00:00Z'


At the ICOS Carbon Portal we store all data and metadata as linked data in a triple store. For more information about this approach refer to Semantic Web, Resource Description Framework (RDF), and Triple Stores.

This module is a simple interface to the SPARQL endpoint at the Carbon Portal. You can write your own queries and use the module to query the database or use some of the provided built-in queries.

Load the module with:
from icoscp.sparql.runsparql import RunSparql

classmethod RunSparql(sparql_query='', output_format='txt')
sparql_query needs to be a valid query. You can test a query directly at the online SPARQL endpoint at The output format is by default (txt/json) but you can adjust with the following formats ['json', 'csv', 'dict', 'pandas', 'array', 'html'].


If a query is set and the method .run() was executed, it returns the result from the SPARQL endpoint. If no data is available the method returns False (BOOL).

  • Return BOOL | STR

RunSparql.query = 'query'

Retrieve or set the query.

  • Return STR

RunSparql.format = 'fmt'

Retrieve or set the output format.

fmt = 'json', 'csv', 'dict', 'pandas', 'array', 'html'
  • Return STR

This method actually executes the query and formats the result to the output format. If the sparql query is not executable because of syntax errors, for example, a TUPLE is returned (False, 'Bad Request')

  • Return TUPLE | FMT


To ensure users' licence acceptance, when accessing data objects through the icoscp python library, the cpauth module is introduced. Users MUST have ICOS Carbon Portal login credentials to access ICOS data.


In order to fetch data, users make their requests to data objects and must provide an API token to do so. The cpauth module helps to retrieve the ICOS API token using a variety of ways. Authentication is required only for off-server data access (users who are not using our ICOS Jupyter services). Users with direct access to the data files, namely, users of our ICOS Jupyter services, are excluded from authentication. Metadata access remains unaffected from these changes. For security reasons the API token is valid for 100'000 seconds (27 hours) and must be refreshed regularly; thus the authentication process can be automated to simplify the user experience.

To use the cpauth module, users need to provide one of the following validation options:

  1. Username and password as input when instantiating the authentication object. These are the same credentials used for validating oneself at the ICOS Carbon Portal authentication service hosted on
  2. An API Token as input when instantiating the authentication object. The user specific API Token can be found at the bottom of the home page here. Password sign-in is required.
  3. A credentials file containing any of the above validation options.


  • Running the authentication for the first time.

    To initialize the authentication configuration a user can run:

    • from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import Authentication


    • from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import init_auth

    Both of the above snippets will prompt the user for username and password and will do the necessary preparations for the cpauth module. After running either of the above, the snippet is no longer needed and should be removed from the user's code.

    Under the hood init_auth() and Authentication() will:

    1. Create a hidden credentials file in a system specific location. The standard location of the credentials file directory varies depending on the operating system.

      • For Linux: /home/[user]/icoscp/
      • For Windows: C:\\Users\\[user]\\icoscp\\
      • For macOS: /Users/[user]/icoscp/
    2. Store user's username, password (in an encoded base64 format), and API token. The API token will be retrieved automatically given that username and password are valid.

    Also, users can re-initialize the credentials file using either one of the calls below (with their respective import statements).

    • init_auth() will re-initialize the credentials file in a forceful way (no confirmation is needed.)
    • Authentication(initialize=True) will re-initialize the credentials file in a diligent way.

Authentication methods

  • Note to users:
    By default, the cpauth module is set to store valid credentials to the ICOS carbon portal configuration file. Internally this is handled by performing a validation against using the provided credentials and setting write_configuration=True during the instantiation of the authentication class.
    Users can change this default behaviour to prioritize for security and privacy, especially in cases where storing login information is not feasible or poses a risk. This can be achieved by explicitly setting write_configuration=False in any of the authentication ways described below. In these cases, users must also provide the authentication itself as an argument to the Dobj() class instantiation.

  • Default authentication
    • Login information is saved

      The most efficient and easy way to use the cpauth module in an automated manner is by adding these two lines of code to your script:

        from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import Authentication

      If there is no authentication configuration, the above code will initialize the configuration, by prompting for username and password. If the credentials are valid the call to Authentication() will store those credentials and reuse them in subsequent calls to data access. In this case, these two lines of code can be removed from users' scripts.

    • Login information is not saved

      If the write_configuration argument is set to False login information will not be stored. In this case the authentication class must be passed on as an argument to the Dobj() class:

      from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import Authentication            
      from icoscp.cpb.dobj import Dobj
      cp_auth = Authentication(write_configuration=False)
      dobj = Dobj('11676/pDBSKn2D8ic5ttUCpxyaf2pj', cp_auth=cp_auth)
      # Check if data access was successful.

      Subsequent calls to the code above will always require input of username and password.

  • Authentication using username and password

    Authentication is also possible by using username and password as string arguments to the Authentication() class. If only the username is provided, the module prompts the user for the password, and by default, does not store credentials.

    • Login information is saved

      By default, if the credentials are valid, they will be stored in the configuration file. Thus, for subsequent calls, re-authentication is performed automatically and the authentication part in the code below can be removed.

      from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import Authentication            
      from icoscp.cpb.dobj import Dobj
      # Instantiate the Authentication class, using username and password.
      Authentication(username='rbon@portoca.lis', password='pa$$w0rd')
      digital_object = Dobj('11676/pDBSKn2D8ic5ttUCpxyaf2pj')
      # Fetch the specified data. 
      obtained_data =
      # Print a part of the specified data.

    • Login information is not saved

      from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import Authentication            
      from icoscp.cpb.dobj import Dobj
      cp_auth = Authentication(
      dobj = Dobj('11676/pDBSKn2D8ic5ttUCpxyaf2pj', cp_auth=cp_auth)
      # Check if data access was successful.


      from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import Authentication            
      from icoscp.cpb.dobj import Dobj
      cp_auth = Authentication(
      dobj = Dobj('11676/pDBSKn2D8ic5ttUCpxyaf2pj', cp_auth=cp_auth)
      # Check if data access was successful.

      If only the username is provided, the module prompts for the password. Subsequent calls to the code above will always require input of password.

  • Authenticate using an API token

    Authentication is also possible using an API token as a string argument to the Authentication() class. The user specific API Token can be found at the bottom of the home page here. Password sign-in is required.

    • Login information is saved

      If the token is valid, by default, it will be stored in the configuration file. Thus, for subsequent calls, re-authentication is performed automatically and the authentication part in the code below can be removed.

      from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import Authentication
      from icoscp.cpb.dobj import Dobj
      token = 'cpauthToken=Wzb+ananas/in+pajamasRA='
      dobj = Dobj('11676/pDBSKn2D8ic5ttUCpxyaf2pj')
      # Check if data access was successful.

      Remember, the token lasts for 100'000 seconds. After the validity of the token has expired (27 hours), users need to provide a refreshed token.

    • Login information is not saved

      from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import Authentication
      from icoscp.cpb.dobj import Dobj
      token = 'cpauthToken=Wfluffy-bunny-slippersA='
      cp_auth = Authentication(token=token, write_configuration=False)
      dobj = Dobj('11676/pDBSKn2D8ic5ttUCpxyaf2pj', cp_auth=cp_auth)
      # Check if data access was successful.

      Remember, the token lasts for 100'000 seconds. After the validity of the token has expired, users need to provide a refreshed token.

  • Authenticate using a configuration file on a custom path

    Authentication is also possible using a configuration file on a custom path. Users can create their own file and use the path to the file as an argument to the instantiation of the Authentication() class.

    For the purpose of this example, let us assume that the credentials file is located at a path specified by the user, such as: '/home/sam/my-folder/icos_carbon_portal.json'.
    Here is the code:

    from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import Authentication
    from icoscp.cpb.dobj import Dobj
    conf_file_path = '/home/sam/my-folder/icos_carbon_portal.json'
    cp_auth = Authentication(configuration_file=conf_file_path)
    dobj = Dobj('11676/pDBSKn2D8ic5ttUCpxyaf2pj', cp_auth=cp_auth)
    # Check if data access was successful.

    Below you can find an example of the necessary components and format for a credentials file that can be used with the code above to complete the authentication process.

    • Case of username and password

        "username": "rbon@portoca.lis",
        "password": "pa$$w0rd"

      In this case username and password will be used to try and fetch a valid token. At the end of the authentication process, if the credentials are correct, the password will be converted in base64 format and an API token will be generated and stored in a "token" field in the file. For subsequent calls the token is used first to authenticate a user.

    • Case of username, password, and API token

        "username": "rbon@portoca.lis",
        "password": "pa$$w0rd",
        "token": "cpauthToken=WzE2Nzc1MTIt+works/on!my0machine!U4NzSpc2k="

      In this case the token will be checked first for its validity. If it is a valid token, it will be used to fetch the requested data. If the token is invalid or has expired, the provided username and password will be utilized to retrieve a valid token. For subsequent calls the token is used first to authenticate a user.

    • Case of API token only

        "token": "cpauthToken=WzNzcIkode+there4I/m!caffeinatedU4NzSpck="

      In the case that only an API token exists in the credentials file, users need to make sure that it is a valid one. Remember, the token lasts for 100'000 seconds. After the validity of the token has expired, users need to provide a refreshed token. The user specific API Token can be found at the bottom of the home page here. Password sign-in is required.

Authentication parameters

The authentication class is a tool that provides access to data objects at the ICOS Carbon Portal, by providing a valid username and password, or by using an API token, which can be supplied in a number of different ways.

class cpauth.Authentication
    username: str = None, 
    password: str = None,
    token: str = None, 
    read_configuration: bool = True,
    write_configuration: bool = True, 
    configuration_file: str = None,
    initialize: bool = False
  • username: str, optional, default=None -> The username required for authentication.
  • password: str, optional, default=None -> The password required for authentication.
  • token: str, optional, default=None -> The authentication token allows data access without the need for a username and password. The token can be manually retrieved from after signing in with a password. Please note that the token has a limited lifespan (100'000 seconds) and must be refreshed periodically to maintain data access.
  • read_configuration: bool, optional, default=True -> This attribute controls whether the configuration is read from a file. The default setting is to read from a system-specific location.
  • write_configuration: bool, optional, default=True -> This attribute controls whether valid configuration will be stored to a system-specific location.
  • configuration_file: str, optional, default=None -> This attribute specifies the path to the configuration file. By default, the configuration file is located in a directory called icoscp in the user's home directory.

Convenience functions

The following functions provide information and improve the user experience with the cpauth module.

  • authentication.init()
    from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import init_auth

    This function is designed to run the authentication for the first time or to complete the authentication process easily in a terminal-like environment. The function prompts for username and password (password masking is utilized) and instantiates the Authentication() class given these credentials.

  • print(Authentication())

    Users can utilize the standard python print() function with the Authentication() class as an argument, to get some extra information regarding their log-in information and their configuration.

    from icoscp.cpauth.authentication import Authentication

    Here is an example output of the snippet above:

    Username: rbon@portoca.lis
    Token will expire in: 1 day, 2:39:44.773148
    Login source: Password
    Path to configuration file: '/home/[user]/icoscp/'

    If the Authentication() class was instantiated using the default configuration_file parameter, the standard location of the credentials file directory varies depending on the operating system.

    • For Linux: /home/[user]/icoscp/
    • For Windows: C:\\Users\\[user]\\icoscp\\
    • For macOS: /Users/[user]/icoscp/

Suppressing warning messages

To suppress future warnings or user warnings messages, please, refer to this section of the documentation.


Search for country information based on a static local file within the library (countries.json). Search is facilitated through Alphanumeric 2 & 3 Code characters and arbitrary text search. Credit to Further a reverse geocoder search is provided using on-server shapefiles.

Please note: in case you provide more than one parameter, the order of keywords is not respected. The execution order is always like the function signature and as soon as a result is found, it will be returned and the search is stopped.


Accepted keywords: code='', name='', latlon=[], search=''

.get()                      list of dict: all countries
.get(code='CH')             dict: Switzerland
.get(name='greece')         dict: Greece
.get(latlon=[48.85, 2.35])  dict:


code : STR
    Search by ISO 3166-1 2-letter or 3-letter country codes

name : STR
    search by country name, including alternative spellings.
    It can be the native name or a partial name.

latlon : List[]
    List with two integer or floating point numbers representing
    latitude and longitude. BE AWARE: This functionality is only available
    to users with access to the ICOS Carbon Portal Jupyter Hub.

search : STR
    arbitrary text search, not case sensitive, search in all fields


  • DICT: if a single country is found
  • LIST[DICT]: list of dictionaries if more than one country is found
  • BOOL (False) if no result