Legacy modules

These modules contain code that may be gradually deprecated in favour of new code in icoscp_stilt.stilt. The following documentation and the code it describes have been with minimal changes moved from icoscp library prior to version 0.2.0


Load the module with:

from icoscp_stilt import stiltstation

Two functions are available: one to find STILT stations and one to extract the STILT station as an object, which gives access to the data (time series and footprints).


This is the main function to find STILT stations. By default, it returns a dictionary where each station id is the key to access metadata about the station. The order how you provide keywords is respected, and you can influence the result. Keyword arguments are applied sequentially (the result from the first keyword is provided as input to the second and so on). With no keyword provided stiltstation.find() returns a dictionary with ALL STILT stations.

The following keywords are available:

id='STR' | ['STR','STR',...]

Provide a single id as string, or a list of strings.
You can provide either STILT or ICOS ids mixed together.

stiltstation.find(id=['NOR', 'GAT344'])


Arbitrary string search will find any occurrence of STR in the station metadata.



All actions are performed on this dictionary, rather than dynamically search for all stilt station on our server. Can be useful for creating a subset of stations from an existing search.

myStations = stiltstation.find(search='north')
refined = stiltstation.find(stations=myStations, country='FI')

Spatial keywords


Provide a single country ISO 3166 alpha-2 id as string



This option will retrieve all STILT stations that are ICOS stations.

bbox=[(lat, lon), (lat, lon)]

Bounding Box. Provide two tuples (wgs84), where the box is defined as TopLeftCorner (NorthWest) and BottomRightCorner (SouthEast). The following example returns approximately all stations in Scandinavia.


pinpoint=[lat, lon, distance in KM]

Provide a single point (lat, lon) and the Distance in KM, which creates a bounding box. Distance is very roughly translated with 1 degree = 1 km. The bounding box is calculated as distance in all directions. For example distance=200 will create a bounding box of 400 x 400 km with pinpoint in the centre. If you don't provide a distance, a default value of 200 is used.

stiltstation.find(pinpoint=[55.7,13.1,500])     # bounding box ~ 1000km x 1000km
stiltstation.find(pinpoint=[55.7,13.1])         # bounding box ~ 400km x 400km

Temporal keywords

Be aware, that the granularity for all temporal keywords is year and month, days are not considered in the search. Input format for the dates entry MUST be convertible to data time object through pandas.to_datetime().

Accepted formats are:

  • datetime.date objs
  • FLOAT or INT representing a unix timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01)
  • pandas.datetime

sdate='start date'

Stations are returned where results are available for >= start date. 'sdate' is a single entry. If you provide sdate AND edate, any station with available data within that date range is returned. (accepted formats see above)

stiltstation.find(sdate= '2018-05-01')

edate='end date'

Stations are returned where results are available for <= end date. 'edate' is a single entry. If you provide sdate AND edate, any station with available data within that date range is returned. (accepted formats see above)



This will return a list of stations where data is available for any of the provided dates. Input format, see sdate, edate. Remember, that only year and month is checked.

stiltstation.find(dates=['2020-01-01', '2020/05/23'])

progress = BOOL

By default, a progress bar is displayed while searching all possible STILT stations. With this keyword you can show/hide the progress bar.

stiltstation.find(progress=True)   # DEFAULT, progress bar is displayed
stiltstation.find(progress=False)  # No progress bar

outfmt = 'STR'

Where string is dict | pandas | list | map | avail. This keyword is ALWAYS executed last, regardless of the position within keyword arguments. By default, a dictionary is returned. With pandas a pandas DataFrame is returned where the station id is indexed, each row contains one station with the same metadata as is available in the dictionary https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/. List however returns a list of STILT station objects. Please see the documentation about stiltstation.get(). The choice map, returns a folium map https://python-visualization.github.io/folium/. The map can be displayed directly in a Jupyter Notebook, or you can save the map to a html file.

stiltstation.find(country='IT', outfmt='pandas') 
stiltstation.find(country='IT', outfmt='pandas').save('my_map.html')

Finally, the choice avail will return a pandas DataFrame where availability of timeseries data per STILT station is gathered for each year.

.get(id="", progress=False)

Returns a stilt station object or a list of stilt station objects. A stilt station object, gives access to the underlying data (timeseries and footprints). You may provide a STR or LIST[STR] of STILT id's or the 'result' of a .find() query. The properties of the returned stilt object is listed further below.

id = STR | LIST[STR]

Provide a string or list of strings representing a STILT station id.


Provide a single dictionary, or a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries should be the result of a stiltstation.find() execution.

progress = BOOL

By default, no progress bar is displayed while assembling the stiltstation object. With this keyword you can show/hide the progress bar. This parameter is only effective while providing ids.

# Return stilt stations based on stiltstation.find(id='STR')
stiltstation.get(['KIT','HTM150'], progress = True)

# Return stilt stations based on dictionary or list of dict with a
# progressbar.
a = stiltstation.find(search='north')
# OR


Internal-implementation module

STILT Object

Class-method StiltStation(dict)
Please do not use this class directly. You should load from icoscp_stilt import stiltstation and then use the function obj = stiltstation.get('HTM150) which will return a stilt station object. Once you have the object, the following attributes and methods are available:



Return STILT station ID (e.g. 'HTM150') as string.


String with latitude-longitude-altitude of STILT station (e.g. '35.34Nx025.67Ex00150')


Station altitude (in meters above ground level)


Station latitude


Station longitude


STILT station long name


None | Dict. If the station is an ICOS station, a dictionary with ICOS metadata is available.


List of years for which STILT results are available. Be aware that even if only one day is calculated for a year, year will be listed.


Returns a dictionary with all metadata.


Dictionary with geographical (country) information, if the station is within a country border.


.get_ts(start_date, end_date, hours=None, columns=" ")

STILT concentration time series for a given time period, with optional selection of specific hours and columns. Returns time series as a pandas.DataFrame.

  • start_date : STR, FLOAT/INT (Unix timestamp), datetime object
    • start_date = '2018-01-01'
  • end_date : STR, FLOAT/INT (Unix timestamp), datetime object
    • end_date = '2018-01-31'
  • hours : STR | INT, optional. If hours is empty or None, ALL Timeslots are returned. For backwards compatibility, input of str format hh:mm is accepted

    • hours = [0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21]
      Valid results are returned with LOWER BOUND values.
      Example:    hours = ["02:00",3,4] will return Timeslots for 0, 3
                  hours = [2,3,4,5,6] will return Timeslots for 0,3 and 6
                  hours = [] return ALL
                  hours = ["10", "10:00", 10] returns timeslot 9
  • columns : STR, optional

    • Valid entries are "default", "co2", "co", "rn", "wind", "latlon", "all"
          isodate, co2.stilt, co2.bio, co2.fuel, co2.cement, co2.background
          isodate, co2.stilt, co2.bio, co2.fuel, co2.cement,
          co2.bio.gee, co2.bio.resp, co2.fuel.coal, co2.fuel.oil, co2.fuel.gas,
          co2.fuel.bio, co2.fuel.waste, co2.energy, co2.transport, co2.industry,
          co2.residential, co2.other_categories, co2.background
          isodate, co.stilt, co.fuel, co.cement, 
          co.fuel.coal, co.fuel.oil, co.fuel.gas, 
          co.fuel.bio, co.fuel.waste, co.energy
          co.transport, co.industry, co.residential, 
          co.other_categories, co.background
          isodate, rn, rn.era, rn.noah
          isodate, wind.dir, wind.u, wind.v
          isodate, latstart, lonstart
          isodate, co2.stilt, co2.bio, co2.fuel, co2.cement, 
          co2.bio.gee, co2.bio.resp, 
          co2.fuel.coal, co2.fuel.oil, co2.fuel.gas, 
          co2.fuel.bio, co2.fuel.waste, 
          co2.energy, co2.transport, co2.industry,
          co2.residential, co2.other_categories,
          co.stilt, co.fuel, co.cement,
          co.fuel.coal, co.fuel.oil, co.fuel.gas,
          co.fuel.bio, co.fuel.waste, 
          co.energy, co.transport, co.industry,
          co.residential, co.other_categories,
          rn, rn.era, rn.noah, wind.dir,
          wind.u, wind.v, latstart, lonstart

.get_fp(start_date, end_date, hours=None)

STILT footprints for a given time period, with optional selection of specific hours. Return the footprints as xarray with latitude, longitude, time, and ppm per (micro-mole m-2 s-1).

  • start_date : STR, FLOAT/INT (Unix timestamp), datetime object.
    • start_date = '2018-01-01'
  • end_date : STR, FLOAT/INT (Unix timestamp), datetime object.
    • end_date = '2018-01-31'
  • hours : STR | INT, optional. If hours is empty or None, ALL Timeslots are returned. For backwards compatibility, input of str format hh:mm is accepted
    • hours = [0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21]
      Valid results are returned with LOWER BOUND values.
      Example:    hours = ["02:00",3,4] will return Timeslots for 0, 3
                  hours = [2,3,4,5,6] will return Timeslots for 0,3 and 6
                  hours = [] return ALL
                  hours = ["10", "10:00", 10] returns timeslot 9


If the stiltstation has a corresponding ICOS station, this function will return a dictionary filled with corresponding data objects. A sparql query is executed with ICOS Station id and the sampling height as constraint, returning all data objects (Level 1, 2, 3).

Returns: List of DICT Each dictionary with the following keys:

[dobj, hasNextVersion, spec, fileName, size, submTime, timeStart, timeEnd]

Example output:

        'dobj': 'https://meta.icos-cp.eu/objects/1DZZOAmmB8YAfYPvXuHMj7Er',
        'hasNextVersion': 'false',
        'spec': 'http://meta.icos-cp.eu/resources/cpmeta/atcN2oNrtGrowingDataObject',
        'fileName': 'ICOS_ATC_NRT_OXK_2022-03-01_2023-02-27_23.0_534_N2O.zip',
        'size': '110076',
        'submTime': '2023-02-28T11:16:27.804Z',
        'timeStart': '2022-03-01T00:00:00Z',
        'timeEnd': '2023-02-27T23:00:00Z'