
  • Note: The python package of the ICOS Carbon Portal, icoscp, is always the latest version. This means that we deploy on the ICOS JupyterHub, either the latest release found here or the latest master branch found here.


(07/03/2023 - 05/04/2024)



  • Add PyGeodesy version 22.11.3 library to the docker image installation.
  • Add utm version 0.7.0 library to the docker image installation.
  • Fix errors caused by cartopy library.



  • Jupyter Classic vs JupyterLab

    • Earlier versions of the Jupyter solutions provided by the ICOS Carbon Portal used the Jupyter Classic view.
    • One major advantage of JupyterLab compared to Jupyter Classic is the possibility to work with several notebooks using tabs.
    • The default view of ICOS Carbon Portal has changed to JupyterLab. For users who wish to use the Jupyter Classic view can do so by choosing Launch Classic view in the Help menu. For further reading on JupyterLab we refer to the JupyterLab documentation.
  • Docker image of jupyter/datascience-notebook
